Sunday 5 May 2013

Leopardess found killed near Mysore

Lawrence Milton, TNN May 5, 2013
MYSORE: A two-year-old leopardess in Mysore appears to be killed and its paws have been removed by miscreants near Hunsur on Sunday.

The leopard was found dead at one Puttamma's land near Pakshirajapura in Hunsur forest range. The cause for its death is not known. Visceral samples have been sent to Institute of Animal Health and Veterinary Biological in Mysore to establish the cause of death.

The incident came to light early on Sunday of the landlady Puttamma noticed the big cat lying dead.

An official said the leopardess carcass is still fresh and suspect it may have been killed for claws as all its limbs have been cut off with a weapon. There are no external injuries over the body.

Hunsur forest territory DCF Vijaykumar told TOI that three days back we got a complaint from residents of Pakshirajapura that a leopard is on prowl near their village and south forest department's help. We later placed a cage with dog as bait. But we found the leopard dead a few metres away from the cage on Sunday morning. However, the dog is alive.

There is no injury over its body and we believe it could have died of starvation, claims the DCF.

To a query, Vijaykumar said some miscreants may have removed after its death and as of now we have no evidence of poaching the animal. However, we are investigating to go deep into the incident because this is for the first time claws of the leopard have been removed. We have filed a police case, the DCF stated.


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