Monday 29 April 2013

​Seized parrots point to thriving wildlife trade

Vijay Singh, TNN | Apr 29, 2013
NAVI MUMBAI: Stunned by the latest seizure of nearly 300 parrots which were to be sold by a Crawford Market trader in Ganeshpuri Bhiwandi taluka, on Saturday, animal rights activists and the police say that this points to a well-organized wildlife trade racket.

"On Saturday, we caught a Mumbai trader, S Ibrahim and his assistant, Samir Khan, who were trying to sell 298 parrots. Our animal activist had posed as a dummy customer at Crawford Market to buy parrots a few days ago,'' said Chetan Sharma of People For Animal (PFA).

He added that despite short notice, the trader managed to arrange for nearly 300 parrots, even though the birds are a protected species under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. "It points to a well oiled, illegal animal trade. The police are questioning the arrested duo over the racket,'' said Sharma.

Deputy commissioner of police, (Ganeshpuri), Srinivas Ghadge said of the 298 parrots rescued, 14 had died possibly because of being confined in tiny cages.

Vimrasagar Maharajsahab of the animal rights group Ahimsa Sangh said, "It is a cruel and illegal trade. Baby parrots are somehow stolen from forests in northern India, and smuggled into Mumbai to be sold as 'pets', even though they are a protected wildlife species.''

Earlier, the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO), a national umbrella body of animal protection groups, had urged the Mumbai police and the Brihanhumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) to ban the sale of birds and animals at Crawford Market in south Mumbai.

"According to data with the ministry of environment and forests, 8,000 birds have been rescued in Crawford Market in the last 20 years. Many wild and exotic species are also traded here,'' said an FIAPO member.


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