Sunday 3 February 2013

Turtles’ existence at stake


Commercial fishing spelling doom for them, say wildlife activists

  • Rampant use of synthetic nets by fishermen to blame
  • Turtles sustain internal injuries from hooks or external injuries from entanglement

Who cares?:Carcass of a turtle that was washed ashore
at Manginipudi beach near Machilipatnam.
— Photo: Ch. Vijaya Bhaskar
Blame it on commercial fishing, the very existence of sea turtles is in peril. Due to rampant use of synthetic nets by fishermen, many turtles are getting entangled and perishing.

Many turtles are getting washed away to the shore. The incident at Manginapudi is causing concern to wildlife activists.

For beach lovers however, it is a moment to capture on camera.

The turtles sustain internal injuries from hooks or external injuries from entanglement, including strangulation or amputation, such as the one in this photograph.

“We have never seen turtles drifting to the shore. Of late, the turtles are seen dead on the beach,” says Rani, a fisherwoman at Manginapudi. The fishermen explain that sea turtles are inadvertently snared by commercial fishing gear.

“Generally, we release them (tortoises) back into the sea if we accidentally catch,” says Erthalamu, a fisherman.

The problem has aggravated because of fishing in the deep sea.

The Kerala boats are to be blamed for the death of tortoises, he adds.

Another fisherman Yesu says: Their (Kerala) boats and nets are very big. They don’t release the turtles into the sea when accidentally caught in the net.

They use sharp tools such as screwdrivers to injure the animals and free them from the nets.

Will inquire: DFO

When contacted, DFO (Wildlife) G. Anand said: “The activities going on in the deep sea are not under our jurisdiction. The matter, however, needs to be probed before we jump to conclusions.”


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