Wednesday 23 January 2013

Winged wonders spotted in Kaiga skies

DC | Gururaj paniyadi
Bird watchers observing the winged beauties near Kaiga.
Karwar: Twenty species of birds which were not seen earlier in this part of the Western Ghats have been spotted near Kaiga by bird watchers and birding enthusiasts.

This observation was made during the recently held ‘Kaiga Bird Marathon- 2013.’ Kaiga Generating Station (KGS) has been organizing “Kaiga Bird Marathon,” an annual birding event since 2011 under the aegis of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited with the aim of identifying bird species around Kaiga Generating Stations and Kaiga town.

One hundred and twenty four bird watchers including Professional Birders from NKBN (North Karnataka Birders Network) lead by President Prof Samad Kottur and students from Forestry College, Sirsi took part in the “Kaiga Bird Marathon-2013” organised last week.

The area in and around Kaiga was divided into six transects. Each team had to travel through their allotted transect of about 6-7 km and record all sightings of aquatic, wetland, grassland, raptor and land birds. A total distance of about 42 kms was covered during the event around Kaiga.

This year’s bird marathon alone identified 162 species of birds of which 20 species are those not spotted so far in this part of Western Ghats. “These 20 species might have been living in this forest earlier too. They were not seen during the last two Marathons but were spotted this year,” Prof. Samad told Deccan Chronicle.

The 20 new varieties  include Nilgiri Flowerpecker, Crested Goshawk, Rufous-bellied Eagle, Brown Fish Owl, Blyth's Starling, Crested Treeswift, Clamorous Reed Warbler, Peregrine Falcon, Besra and Oriental Honey Buzzard.


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