Wednesday 16 January 2013

Uppalapadu tank works get forest clearance


CC road will be laid from main road to bird sanctuary

Avian paradise: Pelicans soaring at the Uppalapadu bird
sanctuary in Guntur district.— Photo: T. Vijaya Kumar
The Forest Department has given the nod for undertaking developmental works at Uppalapadu tank, the famed breeding place for migratory birds. District Forest Officer S.K Salaam told The Hindu that the Forest Department has given financial clearance to undertake works at a cost of Rs 17.28 lakh.

The works including laying of a CC road from the main road to the bird sanctuary, afforestation, strengthening of tank bund, removal of water hyacinth and appointment of watch and ward staff at the sanctuary.

The Eco Development Committee, which is yet to be constituted, would be undertaking the works.

The works would start once the department gets funding.

The action plan was part of a major scheme for development of the sanctuary at a cost of Rs.2 crore, with which the Department has plans to take up construction works, setting up of cafeteria and establishing an eco-tourism centre.

The nondescript village would soon get a face lift.

Water contamination

The district administration has already pledged to lay a pipe line at a cost of Rs.35 lakh and part of the funds would be drawn from MPLADS. For years, villagers have been voicing their concerns over the contamination of water in the village tank due to the presence of a large number of migratory birds. Signs of a conflict between human beings and the birds endangering peaceful co-existence had appeared recently when villagers began felling giant trees abutting the water tanks that provided refuge to birds.


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