Monday 14 January 2013

Tiger found dead in Nagarahole National Park

A tiger, estimated to be five years old, was found dead in the Kakanakote forests in the D.B. Kuppe range of the Nagarahole National Park on Monday.

The carcass was spotted by the Forest Department staff. The animal could have died four days ago, said Hunsur Wildlife Assistant Conservator of Forests K.D. Belliappa.

Cause unknown

The cause of death could not be ascertained immediately by the veterinarian who conducted the post mortem. Only laboratory examination would reveal the cause of death, he said.

Lab report

As the animal’s carcass did not bear any injury marks, it was unlikely that it was killed by another tiger, Mr. Belliappa said.

If it died of natural causes or any other reason, it would be known in about three days when the laboratory report comes, he said.


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